May 12, 2011

توم و جيري

كلنا نعرف توم و جيري .توم الذي يدبر المكائد و الحيل لجيري و العكس و يكرهان بعضهما و لكن لا يستطيعان العيش من دون بعضهما. هذا المثل ينطبق على السلطة الحاكمة و اللقاء المشترك.

لو رجعنا بالذاكرة الى مقابلة تلفزيونية للرئيس مع منتهى الرمحي لوجدنا أن الرئيس كان في حالة تعب واعياء و شربه الكثير للماء ممايدل على توتره الواضح.

و لكن بعد أنضمام اللقاء المشترك الى الساحة و ليس هذا فقط و سيطرتهم أيضا على اللجان النظام و أقصاء بعض الشباب من هذه اللجان ,اعطى للرئيس فرصة و متنفس للمناورات السياسة وهذا بالأضافة أنضمام بعض الشخصيات التي كانت تعرف بأنها جزء من النظام و التي كانت تعرف بالفساد جعلت الكثير من الشباب المحايد أعلان دعمهم للرئيس و ايضا تردد المجتمع الدولي و الغرب تحديدا في دعم هذه الثورة كسابقاتها . و في مقابلة مع قناة "روسيا اليوم" ظهر على الرئيس بصورة الواثق من نفسه و الهدوء بعكس المقابلة السابقة رغم تهجمه على قطر صراحتةً.

هناك أسباب من وجهة نظري جعلت عزوف الكتلة الصامته و تردد المجتمع الدولي و الغربي في دعم الثورة اليمنية وأيضا سبب طول فترة الثورة و دخوله الشهر الرابع وهي كالأتي:
  1. عدم تحديد موقف واضح بعض احزاب المعارضه من القضايا الشائكه التي تمس الغرب مثل القاعدة و الأنفصال.
  2. عدم تحديد رؤية اللقاء المشترك عن ماهية الدولة جديده و بأي ايدولوجية.
  3. الأخطاء و الأعتداءات بعض الاحزاب على بعض الناشطين الشباب في الساحة و قمع البعض من تنظيم او الصعود الى المنصة مما قد يعطي شعور عام في طريقة الادارة هذه الأحزاب مؤسسات الدولة في حالة سقوط النظام الحالي.
  4. أظهار شخصيات على أنها ثورية أو أنها تمثل الثورة و التي قد لا تكون شخصيات توافقية.
و لذلك اللقاء المشترك و طريقة أنضمامهم الى ثورة الشباب شكلت سبب رئيسي في فصل جديد من فصول المنوارات السياسية بين السلطة الحاكمة و اللقاء المشترك تماما مثل الشخصيتين الكرتونيتيين توم و جيري ولكن الضحايا من الشباب .

Mar 5, 2011

ساحة التغيير واللقاء المشترك

بعد سقوط النظام المصري , بدأت الثورة اليمنية للمطالبة بسقوط النظام بالهيجان ومحاولة تكرار التجربه المصرية و التونسية على الارض اليمنية .

و لكن لُحظ دخول بعد أحزاب المعارضة مثل الأصلاح و "أحتلالها" لمايكروفون الساحةو تحولت من المظاهرة الشبابية الطلابية الى مظاهرة احزاب كما يبدو بعد وصول الشيخ الزنداني الى ساحه وتحدثة عن أستبداد الحكام و ان عهد الخلافة في الطريق بحسب قولة ولكن انا مازلت اذكر وقوفة بجانب الرئيس علي عبد الله صالح ودعمه له في أنتخابات الرئاسية 2006 فأستغربت كثيرا أهي المصلحه الشخصية لأفراد معينيين ام مصحلة الوطن ام مصلحة الحزب متمثل في الأصلاح واللقاء المشترك؟؟؟؟

Feb 19, 2011

Building Dialogue - Annual Debate series

Recently, I had the opportunity to know a bunch of Yemenis youth who are open minded, well educated and very intelligent as well, so I keep asking myself how to change the stereotyped image of Yemen's youth in the region and around the world , especially after the western medias put Yemen as a breathing ground of terrorist and extremism.

Mr. Fernando (an American researcher) who own a consulting company called "Global Link" came up with an idea of a debate in English ,so we decided with other two friends (Shady & Ahmed Assery) to establish new initiative called "Bina' Initiative" to execute debate projects in English every year to spread the awareness among Yemenis youth about how important to build dialogues with others who are deferent then us in any aspect, and at the same time,we break the pattern stereotyped image of Yemenis in the western media and the world.

therefore,I start calling some friends to participate in Building debate project ,then Mr Fernando started giving them lectures of how to do academic debate.The participants really liked it and they feel like they learn something new in term of the way of research and how to rebuttal the open statement of other opponent .

#Yemen - Debate Training Day 1 - we have 8 teams of four part... on Twitpic #Yemen - Youth Debate - we have an almost equal number of mal... on Twitpic #Yemen - Youth Debate - students discussed a # of interesting... on Twitpic

The debate is going to be held at the last week of march, and there's going to be prizes for the winners.

Dec 3, 2009

Self-Esteem and Leadership By Jonathan Pitts

Being a good leader involves a number of qualities, and out of them, the most important is self-esteem. Thinking like a leader is most of the times driven by logic, which they develop through the vigorous process of learning and teaching. If you are one of those people who wish to develop leadership qualities, then the first point that you need to focus is your self-esteem.

Self-esteem is a part of self-confidence that you need to develop from within. Only, if you are confident about your thoughts and thinking you can be a good leader. If you look forward to people to help you develop your personality, you should not allow people to overpower your image, as they would not have a clue about your life and your thinking. Also, the person whom you might be looking up to might have a flawed thinking that would not be of much help to you.

Developing your own way of thinking and implying it in your actions can help you develop self-esteem and also leadership qualities. First, get this fact into your mind that you cannot please people no matter what you do. You should learn how to lead your life according to your principles and your wishes. Learn how to take decisions and how to stick to them. This will help you in raising your self-confidence level and also help you develop leadership qualities.

Work out on things that you are good at. This will help you in understanding your inner strengths and making proper use of them. Every person is born with some gifts, and developing these helps you find your source of life and expand your interest with time. Understand these gifts and work on them so that you can excel in your interest and get a better hold on them.

If you are dependent on other people for your actions, then grow up. Being dependent on others will only lower your self-esteem, and you would never be able to come to terms with yourself. It is important that you make your decisions and understand what is good for you and what is not. This will help you in realizing what you want from life and how you can work to make it possible.

Being a leader in your own way is something that makes you feel positive about yourself. Make yourself different from the crowd and have your goals set. Focus on your aims in life and look for ways in which you can achieve what you want. Always work on things that will help you improve your knowledge and ways of applying this knowledge.

Working in a traditional way will just make you one among the crowd. If you want to stand apart from the crowd then make your voice reach the crowds by doing something innovate, which is possible with the self-esteem you develop with time. Leadership and self-esteem are not in born qualities, you need to work out on them and develop them in a way that your presence is recognized by the masses.


Nov 6, 2009